History of Epidemics in Britain

Charles Creighton

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Beschreibung zu „History of Epidemics in Britain“

A History of Epidemics in Britain in two volumes is the most significant work of Charles Creighton, British physician and medical author. The work is divided in two parts. First volume covers the history of epidemics from 664 A.D., the year of the first pestilence in Britain which was chosen as a starting-point, to the extinction of plague in 1665-66, which marks the end of a long era of epidemic sickness, including leprosy, poxes, various plagues, fevers and influenzas. The disappearance of plague marks the beginning of new era and of the second volume, which covers the period from 1666 to the end of 19th century. Dealing also with social and economic history, the author presents the broad image of the state of civilization which saw the emergence of typhus, cholera and many other kinds of fevers, influenzas and epidemics. The book is recognized as an important contribution to the study of medical history.


Musaicum Books




ca. 2041





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