The Equations of Life

How Physics Shapes Evolution

Charles Cockell

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „The Equations of Life“

One of Britain's foremost astrobiologists offers an accessible and game-changing account of life on Earth.
Why is all life based on carbon rather than silicon?
And beyond Earth, would life - if it exists - look like our own?
The puzzles of life astound and confuse us like no other mystery. But in this groundbreaking book, Professor Charles Cockell reveals how nature is far more understandable and predictable than we would think.
Breathing new life into Darwin's theory of natural selection, The Equations of Life puts forward an elegant account of why evolution has taken the paths it has. In a captivating journey into the forces that shape living things on Earth, Cockell explains that the fundamental laws of physics constrain nature at every turn.
Fusing the latest in scientific research with fascinating accounts of the creatures that surround us, this is a compelling argument about what life can - and can't - be.


Atlantic Books




ca. 360





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