Broken to the Plow

A Novel

Charles Caldwell Dobie

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Beschreibung zu „Broken to the Plow“

In 'Broken to the Plow' by Charles Caldwell Dobie, the reader is introduced to a collection of thought-provoking essays that delve deep into the complexities of human nature, society, and the pursuit of truth. Dobie's literary style is marked by a keen sense of observation, sharp wit, and a profound understanding of the human condition. The essays are written in a straightforward yet insightful manner, making them accessible to a wide range of readers. The book's themes of struggle, resilience, and the quest for authenticity resonate with readers across different literary contexts. Dobie's astute analysis of societal norms and individual behavior serves to challenge readers to critically examine their own beliefs and values. 'Broken to the Plow' is a timeless piece of literature that continues to provoke thought and discussion among readers today.


Good Press




ca. 215





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