Minos of Sardanes

Charles Billings Stilson

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Beschreibung zu „Minos of Sardanes“

In Charles Billings Stilson's 'Minos of Sardanes,' readers are taken on a gripping journey through ancient Greek mythology. The book presents a detailed account of the life and adventures of King Minos, touching upon significant events such as the creation of the Minotaur and the construction of the labyrinth. Stilson's literary style in 'Minos of Sardanes' is both engaging and informative, weaving together elements of fantasy and historical fiction to create a compelling narrative that will captivate readers with an interest in mythology. The book's rich descriptions and vivid imagery bring the world of ancient Greece to life, making it a truly immersive reading experience. Overall, 'Minos of Sardanes' is a noteworthy contribution to the genre of mythological fiction, offering a fresh perspective on classic tales. Charles Billings Stilson's deep knowledge and passion for mythology shine through in every page of this book, demonstrating his expertise on the subject matter. His meticulous research and attention to detail are evident throughout the narrative, adding depth and authenticity to the story. Readers who enjoy exploring ancient myths and legends will find 'Minos of Sardanes' to be a captivating read that offers a unique perspective on well-known tales.


Good Press




ca. 144





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