Passages from the Life of a Philosopher

Charles Babbage

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Beschreibung zu „Passages from the Life of a Philosopher“

In 'Passages from the Life of a Philosopher' by Charles Babbage, readers are presented with a groundbreaking account of the life of the mathematician and inventor himself. Through a series of anecdotes and reflections, Babbage offers insight into the world of science and technology in the 19th century, showcasing his forward-thinking ideas and innovations. The book is written in a clear and precise style, reflective of Babbage's own analytical mind and attention to detail, making it a compelling read for those interested in the history of computing and the development of technology. Babbage's work is considered a seminal text in the realm of scientific autobiography, shedding light on his contributions to the field and the challenges he faced along the way.


Good Press




ca. 425





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