The Elements of General Method, Based on the Principles of Herbart

Charles A. McMurry

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Beschreibung zu „The Elements of General Method, Based on the Principles of Herbart“

In his book 'The Elements of General Method, Based on the Principles of Herbart', Charles A. McMurry explores the foundations of educational theory by examining the principles of German philosopher Johann Friedrich Herbart. McMurry meticulously outlines the key elements of general teaching method, emphasizing the importance of structured lesson planning, effective instructional strategies, and engaging student interactions. The book is written in a clear and accessible style, making it a valuable resource for educators seeking to improve their teaching practices within a Herbartian framework. McMurry's work reflects the educational theories and pedagogical practices of his time, providing insights into the historical development of modern teaching methods. As an experienced educator and scholar, McMurry's expertise shines through in this comprehensive guide to effective teaching methods. I highly recommend 'The Elements of General Method' to educators, researchers, and students of educational theory who are interested in the foundations of modern pedagogy and instructional design.


Good Press




ca. 168





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