The Weird Friends Fan Club

Catherine Wilkins


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Beschreibung zu „The Weird Friends Fan Club“

Erin and Grace are very different people. Erin has a monobrow and a slight problem with negativity; Grace is very #blessed and obsessed with her #girlsquad. One thing they have in common is a love of Charlotte Brontë and writing stories. And through their teacher-imposed critique group, they learn to see each other's perspectives and become unlikely friends. But the path of true friendship doth not run smooth for the #brontebabes. #readitandfindoutmore #youwon'tbesorry A brilliantly funny new story from Catherine Wilkins, author of the much-loved 'My Best friend and Other Enemies' series.
"The author of the hilarious My Best Friends and Other Enemies and When Go Geeks Go Bad returns with another terrifically funny tale. This one is told innovatively, via diary entries, about two very different girls who slowly learn to see things from each other's perspective as they bond over Charlotte Brontë." - The i


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