The Land Girl's Letters (Unabridged)

Catherine Law

Hörbuch Romane Historische Romane

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Beschreibung zu „The Land Girl's Letters (Unabridged)“

A truth buried for over forty years.
A love that lasted a lifetime.Rose Pepper has kept her wartime past a secret for decades. Forty years ago, she fled communist Prague and left behind the love of her life.Now in her sixties and with two daughters, Rose discovers a bundle of unopened letters sent to her by her lost love. Confronted with the possibility of facing up to her past, she decides it's finally time to go back to where her story began and uncover the truth that has been buried for so long...From the bombed-out rubble of Plymouth, to the windswept cliffs of Cornwall and then the dangers of post-war Prague, a heartbreaking story of love and hope, secrets and lies. Perfect for fans of Kathryn Hughes and Leah Fleming.Previously published as The Secret Letters

Gelesen von:

Mia McCallum


Boldwood Books




12 Std. 51 Min.





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