The French Girl (Unabridged)

Catherine Law

Hörbuch Romane Historische Romane

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Beschreibung zu „The French Girl (Unabridged)“

London, the Blitz

Cousins Nell and Sylvie grow up quickly during the early days of rationing, blackouts, and the arrival of RAF planes in the skies. But even as the war rages on around them, the competition and jealousy between the two battles on.

When the girls fall in love with the same man, their relationship is truly tested, but the war pulls them all apart and changes the course of their lives, with devastating consequences.

For Nell, the only place she can ever find solace is inside the September Garden, her father's walled sanctuary. It is here that she decides to hide her most dreadful secret...

A heartbreaking story of love and hope, secrets and lies. Perfect for fans of Kathryn Hughes and Leah Fleming.

Previously published as The September Garden.

Gelesen von:

Anna Bentinck


Boldwood Books




11 Std. 27 Min.





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