The Oracle - The Oracle Trilogy (Unabridged)

Catherine Fisher

Hörbüch Kinder & Jugend Jugendbücher

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Beschreibung zu „The Oracle - The Oracle Trilogy (Unabridged)“

In a land without rain, the people turn to the Archon, the god-on-Earth, to end their suffering and, for their sake, the old man must make a terrible sacrifice.
Suddenly Mirany, a young priestess, finds herself thrust unwillingly into a desperate struggle to find the child who will be the new Archon. And the only help that she can find are Oblek, a drunken musician and Seth, a conniving scribe. If she fails, General Argelin and the high priestess Hermia will install a false candidate of their own and so gain absolute power.
Nominated for the Whitbread Children's Book Award.

Über Catherine Fisher

Catherine Fisher ist die Autorin vieler fantastischer Kinder- und Jugendbücher sowie zweier preisgekrönter Gedichtbände. Mit Incarceron gelang ihr der große internationale Durchbruch. Catherine Fisher lebt und schreibt in Wales.

Gelesen von:

Judith Boyd


Craftsman Audio




8 Std. 31 Min.





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