The Widow’s Yard

Carol Bishop

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Beschreibung zu „The Widow’s Yard“

The Widow’s Yard tells the stories of 5 very different women. Sheila had a turbulent childhood. As an adult she emigrated and found happiness but her past haunted her tragically.
Susan was reclusive but serendipity dealt her more than a couple of sudden surprises. Even with her quirky failings,
Fiona worked as a journalist in Ireland. There was joy for her but also a terror that took over her mind and body.
Flamboyant Kate was a rebel-without-a-cause. Her sex dominated life changed when she got a belly bump and planted a seed.
Laura, her friends call her lovely Laura, married an Italian and her yard in Italy was where her friends celebrated good times and sought
sanctuary in tragic times.
None could foretell their destiny.

Über Carol Bishop

Carol has been writting articles, editing magazines and writing speechings for over 50years


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