Love Connection

A Second Chance Romantic Comedy

Camilla Isley


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Beschreibung zu „Love Connection“

Have you ever wondered what might have been? Gemma Dawson is at the airport, staring at two plane tickets to two different cities. Two different weddings. Two possible futures.
She’s at a crossroads. Be maid of honor at her best friend’s wedding or crash her ex’s?
Gemma’s decision, unknown to her, hinges on a delayed flight and a chance meeting. Now her life is about to go down two parallel tracks—will Gemma fly toward a life with her first love or a future with a man she’s not even met yet?
In concurrent storylines, Gemma lives out the consequences of each journey. Different stories unravel with unpredictable outcomes for Gemma and her loved ones.
A second chance romance perfect for fans of Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid, The Two Lives of Lydia Bird by Josie Silver, Sarah Adams, Katie Bailey, and Jenny Proctor.


Pink Bloom Press




ca. 191





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