I Don't Want To Be Friends

A New Adult College Romance

Camilla Isley


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Beschreibung zu „I Don't Want To Be Friends“

David is waiting in a bar for a date who’s not going to show… bitter and alone, will he give up on the girl he loves?
After a summer spent apart Scott and Haley are back together, but something has changed between them… Will their relationship ever feel the same as before?
Madison’s new mantra in life is: stay strong and survive senior year. She’s in love with her best friend’s boyfriend, but Scott only sees her as a friend, and her broken heart can’t take it much longer. She needs to finish college and turn the page on an impossible love story… but can she be stronger than her feelings?
Two brothers in love with the same girl.
Two best friends in love with the same guy.
A love triangle within a love triangle…


Pink Bloom Press




ca. 161





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