Home for Christmas

An enemies to lovers, only one bed romantic comedy

Camilla Isley


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Beschreibung zu „Home for Christmas“

Would you share a bed with your enemy to save Christmas?
Down with a bad case of writer's block, Riven has escaped to a mountain cabin for a prolonged writing retreat. The last thing he needs this Christmas is for his family to invade his sanctuary away from LA. What he needs even less is for a family of strangers as large and boisterous as his own to also be stuck in the same house after a double-booking disaster.
Especially when he ends up having to share a bunk bed with Wendy—a gorgeous, feisty New Yorker who quickly learns how to get under his skin.
Sharing a room with her is sweet torture and Riven isn’t even sure what he dreads more: that every passing day brings them closer to saying goodbye or that they have yet another night to spend together...
Home for Christmas is a full standalone novel perfect for fans of One Night on the Island by Josie Silver.


Pink Bloom Press




ca. 188





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