The Art of Consultancy

Stuart Wyatt Calvert Markham

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Beschreibung zu „The Art of Consultancy“

This is the practical approach I wish I had come across much earlier in my career. Cynthia Pexton-Shaw

Whether you are just starting out, considering or already working as a consultant this book is essential reading, enabling you to understand the needs of your client and to get the result they want.

There are more factors to consider in order to be a successful management consultant than simply subject matter knowledge. Problem solving and solution delivery have to be accomplished in usually tight project timescales while keeping clients happy. This book, based on the experience of training thousands of consultants, provides insights into the key processes of selling and delivering consulting services, together with the essential underpinning tools and techniques, and the commercial imperatives for running a successful consulting practice.

This book contains the tools, tactics, secrets and attributes to develop and become a successful management consultant. The contents include chapters on the key processes such as:

  • The business of consultancy
  • Marketing and selling consultancy projects
  • Overview of the delivery process
  • Entry, Contracting, Diagnosis, Intervention and Closure

And the essential underpinning skills such as:

  • Analytical tools and techniques
  • Reporting and Influencing clients
  • Designing, delivering training sessions and workshops
  • The practice environment

'This is the practical approach I wish I had come across much earlier in my career. Calvert provides a strong guiding framework for delivering consultancy projects from beginning to end. His writing makes consulting easily accessible for anyone who wishes to deliver their particular expertise into a client organisation.' Cynthia Pexton-Shaw, Elevation Learning

'A book that gets to multiple editions is clearly a classic of its sector. Calvert’s is in its seventh and will probably go on to many more. It achieves a threefold feat: of being useful to the expert and to the recently qualified and to the student. Even those of us who have spent decades in this profession need a consultancy bible to refer to. Calvert shows how to be rigorous and systematic, but the book is packed with practical advice from one who is both an academic expert and a senior practising consultant. This is both The Art and The Science of Consultancy.' Ian Watson – Immediate Past Chair ICMCI

'This book explains in plain English the role and daily challenges of life as a management consultant, and has been an excellent source of reference in building our business. Calvert presents a practitioners view covering the requisite soft skills as well as the mechanics of solving the client’s business problems.' Martyn Evans, Consulting Director, Altus

Über Stuart Wyatt

Stuart Wyatt tiene sesenta y cuatro años, está casado y vive en el Sudoeste de Inglaterra. Su experiencia con los negocios se extendió, más allá de las fronteras del Reino Unido, hasta Estados Unidos, país en el que trabajó como asesor ejecutivo interino para distintas compañías. Vivió por cortos periodos en San Francisco y Atlanta mientras ofrecía sus servicios, que incluían la supervisión de empresas de marketing y el desarrollo de nuevos negocios, así como el asesoramiento en estrategias comerciales. El primer trabajo de Wyatt como gestor empresarial fue cuando, a la edad de veintiséis años, fue nombrado gerente de ventas y marketing de la división de motores fuera de borda de Volvo-Penta. Desde entonces ha estudiado los desafíos que plantea la gestión desde múltiples perspectivas, que van de la gestión de pequeños negocios a la dirección de grupos de empresas. Divide su tiempo entre periodos de intenso trabajo y largas vacaciones, que disfruta navegando en su yate o, más recientemente, recorriendo Francia en una autocaravana.


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