Grace at Work

Bryan Chapell

Hörbuch Sachbuch Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „Grace at Work“

For many people, their job is merely "the daily grind" needed to provide for family or pay the bills. Yet our work is a vital means for fulfilling God's purpose for our lives and displaying his grace to those around us. We bear God's image in our workplaces, experiencing his blessings and expressing his nature through our efforts, integrity, creativity, generosity, and excellence. No earthly chore is without the opportunity to observe his divine hand. No challenge in task or relationship is without opportunity to represent God's heart.
In this audiobook, author and pastor Bryan Chapell shares this biblical perspective of vocation, explaining how God gives purpose to our work by making it an instrument of his grace to our own hearts, as well as a way of bringing his goodness and glory into our world. Chapell explains how we can worship God by our work, rising above drudgery, duty, or self-interest with the understanding that our jobs are unique callings for displaying God's character and care. Our work is worship when we see the glory beyond the grind, the mission in the mundane, and the grace at work.

Gelesen von:

Bryan Chapell






6 Std. 12 Min.





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