365 Days of Prayer for Depression and Anxiety

BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Religiöse Ratgeber

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Beschreibung zu „365 Days of Prayer for Depression and Anxiety“

When life's troubles overwhelm you and you feel yourself slipping into depression or filled with anxiety, find your peace in God. Take comfort in knowing that he cares deeply for you and he will be with you in your darkest moments.

365 Days of Prayer for Depression and Anxiety is a collection of daily prayers that help you find the compassion, confidence, courage, identity, inspiration, and purpose you need to get through each day. Heartfelt prayers, encouraging Scriptures, and prompting questions give you an opportunity to consider more deeply the hope found in God and in the promises of his Word.

Begin to experience underlying joy and peace as you dwell in the love and care of your heavenly Father.


BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC




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