365 Days of Prayer for Couples

Daily Prayer Devotional

BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Religiöse Ratgeber

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Beschreibung zu „365 Days of Prayer for Couples“

Whether you've been a couple who has prayed together for many years or this is your first prayer devotional, inspiration is waiting for you in the daily prayers written here.

Ultimately, prayer is a conversation with God. You don't need to use fancy words or recite long passages of Scripture. Just talk to God. Open your heart. He adores you, and he's listening to every word you say.

Some days your prayers may be filled with gratitude, some days with repentance, and some with need. Just lay your heart and your prayers at the Father's feet and wait for his powerful response.

Be blessed as you connect daily with God and each other.


BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC




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