The Book of Proverbs (2020 Edition)

Wisdom from Above

Brian Simmons

Religiöse Ratgeber

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Beschreibung zu „The Book of Proverbs (2020 Edition)“

The book of Proverbs is full of poetic beauty and subtle nuances, which are ripe with meaning and tucked inside metaphors, symbols, and imagery. Written by King Solomon, Proverbs is a gift from above.

Our generous Father is ready to fill our hearts with all we need to succeed in life and reign in Christ. Enrolling in the divine seminary of wisdom and revelation found in Proverbs, we receive heavenly insight into our destinies, relationships, careers, finances, and every other aspect of our lives.

It is time to rise up as rulers-to-be for God's glory. His ancient wisdom fills the pages of Proverbs, where a greater understanding awaits us.

Within these sayings will be found the revelation of wisdom

and the impartation of spiritual understanding.

Use them as keys to unlock the treasures of true knowledge.

Proverbs 1:2


BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC




ca. 114





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