Susy, a Story of the Plains

Bret Harte

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Beschreibung zu „Susy, a Story of the Plains“

In Bret Harte's 'Susy, a Story of the Plains', the reader is treated to a compelling tale set in the American West, exploring themes of love, resilience, and the human spirit. Harte's distinct literary style, characterized by vivid descriptions and realistic dialogue, brings the world of the plains to life with remarkable detail. The book's exploration of social dynamics and personal struggles in a harsh environment adds depth to the narrative, making it a poignant and thought-provoking read. Written during a time when the Wild West was both feared and romanticized, 'Susy' captures the essence of the era and sheds light on the experiences of those who lived on the frontier. Through the character of Susy, Harte presents a strong and determined protagonist who navigates the challenges of her surroundings with grace and courage, making her a memorable figure in American literature. Fans of Western fiction and readers interested in the human experience will find 'Susy, a Story of the Plains' to be a captivating and insightful novel worth exploring.


Good Press




ca. 145





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