Drift from Two Shores

Bret Harte

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Beschreibung zu „Drift from Two Shores“

Bret Harte's 'Drift from Two Shores' is a collection of short stories that offers a vivid portrayal of life in the American West during the 19th century. Harte's distinctive literary style, marked by his use of regional vernacular and keen observation of human nature, immerses the reader in the rugged landscapes and colorful characters of the frontier. Each story explores themes of adventure, romance, and morality, providing a glimpse into the complexities of society at that time. As a prominent figure in American literature, Bret Harte drew inspiration from his own experiences as a gold rush journalist in California. His firsthand knowledge of the people and places depicted in 'Drift from Two Shores' lends authenticity to his narratives, capturing the essence of a bygone era with remarkable detail and depth. I highly recommend 'Drift from Two Shores' to readers interested in Western literature and the evolution of American society. Harte's masterful storytelling and poignant reflections on human behavior continue to resonate with audiences today, making this collection a timeless classic in the literary canon.


Good Press




ca. 166





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