Condensed Novels: New Burlesques

Bret Harte

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Beschreibung zu „Condensed Novels: New Burlesques“

Bret Harte's 'Condensed Novels: New Burlesques' is a delightful collection of satirical short stories that parody the popular novels of his time. Using wit and humor, Harte cleverly mocks the sentimentality and melodrama often found in romantic fiction, offering readers a refreshing take on traditional storytelling. Set in the literary context of the mid-19th century, these condensed novels provide a unique glimpse into the social and cultural norms of Harte's era, offering a sharp critique of the conventions of popular literature. Harte's writing style is marked by his sharp wit, clever wordplay, and keen observations of human behavior, making 'Condensed Novels' both entertaining and thought-provoking. This collection showcases Harte's mastery of satire and his ability to subvert literary conventions in a delightful and engaging way. Readers with a penchant for clever humor and a love of literature will thoroughly enjoy Harte's witty take on the popular novels of his time, making 'Condensed Novels: New Burlesques' a must-read for those seeking a fresh and entertaining literary experience.


Good Press




ca. 88





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