The Future of the American Negro

Booker T. Washington

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Beschreibung zu „The Future of the American Negro“

In Booker T. Washington's seminal work, 'The Future of the American Negro,' the author provides a comprehensive analysis of the status of African Americans in post-Civil War America. Written in a straightforward and practical style, Washington discusses the challenges faced by African Americans in their quest for social and economic equality. Drawing on his own experiences as a former slave and educator, Washington offers insights into the necessity of vocational education and self-help as means of advancement for his community. This book is considered a significant contribution to the literature of the time, advocating for a more pragmatic approach to racial equality. Washington's emphasis on self-reliance and economic independence set him apart from other prominent African American leaders of his time, such as W.E.B. Du Bois. 'The Future of the American Negro' is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of race relations in America during the late 19th century.


Good Press




ca. 110





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