The White Hand and the Black

A Story of the Natal Rising

Bertram Mitford

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Beschreibung zu „The White Hand and the Black“

In 'The White Hand and the Black' by Bertram Mitford, readers are immersed in a gripping tale of love, betrayal, and intrigue in colonial Africa. Mitford's vivid descriptions and attention to detail transport the reader to a time and place filled with danger and romance. The novel is written in a dramatic and engaging style, with a focus on the complexities of human relationships amidst the backdrop of political turmoil and cultural clashes. Mitford's exploration of the contrasting forces of good and evil adds depth to the narrative, making it a thought-provoking read for those interested in historical fiction and colonial literature. The book is a compelling mix of adventure, suspense, and social commentary, making it a valuable addition to the genre of 19th-century African fiction.


Good Press




ca. 232





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