Logic & Magic

The Double Nature of Innovation

Bertil Hök

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Beschreibung zu „Logic & Magic“

This book explores the pattern of logic and magic evolving from studies of truly exceptional innovations.

The logic always looks simple in retrospect, but innovators start out in the dark with an intimidating series of obstacles ahead. The magic is to enter unknown territory, to expand the horizons, and to create new value from something that looks impossible to most people.

Great innovators take advantage of this double nature. Paradoxically, the chance of success may increase with the magnitude of the challenge. The impact of great innovations like the World Wide Web and the smart phones is beyond comprehension and grossly underestimated by most people, including decision makers.

The world needs innovation more than ever. The low hanging fruit has already been picked, and now is the time to reach higher. Our existence depends on it. The logic and the magic are sources of hope and inspiration.


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