Benjamin Franklin and the First Balloons

Benjamin Franklin Abbott Lawrence Rotch

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Beschreibung zu „Benjamin Franklin and the First Balloons“

In 'Benjamin Franklin and the First Balloons,' Benjamin Franklin explores the fascinating world of aviation through his account of the first hot air balloon flights. This historical recount intertwines scientific curiosity with the thrill of adventure, making it both educational and engaging for readers. Franklin's writing style is clear and informative, providing detailed descriptions of the balloons and the excitement surrounding their maiden flights in the 18th century. The book showcases Franklin's passion for innovation and his appreciation for the wonders of the natural world, offering a unique perspective on the early days of aviation. Benjamin Franklin's meticulous observations and keen insights into the technology of hot air ballooning provide readers with a deeper understanding of the scientific advancements of his time, making this book a valuable resource for history buffs and aviation enthusiasts alike. By delving into the world of hot air balloons, Franklin presents a captivating narrative that is sure to inspire readers to appreciate the ingenuity and spirit of exploration that drove the early pioneers of flight.


Good Press




ca. 16





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