Marketing Automation with Eloqua

Ben Griffith

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „Marketing Automation with Eloqua“

In Detail

Eloqua is a powerful platform that develops automated marketing and demand generation software and services for business-to-business marketers. It provides enough tools to start to centralize marketing operations and build holistic views of demand generation across multiple channels. This, in turn, gives marketers actionable results for their campaigns and the ability to centralize more of this data from one or a few systems. It helps ensure every component of marketing works harder and more efficiently to drive revenue.

This practical guide will help you realize your full potential by demonstrating how your campaign vision can be translated into a digital campaign in Eloqua, and how to measure its success.It will walk you through building a practical campaign, and explains the powerful features of Eloqua on this journey. You'll also learn how to utilize these features in your campaign along with various tools that will enhance its marketing value.

This concise, yet focused guide looks at the Eloqua platform and breaks down the powerful tools that can be used to build automated digital campaigns for the modern marketer.

You will learn to build e-mails with personalized and reusable content.You'll learn how to build and manage your database, efficiently execute marketing campaigns, score and route leads to sales. You'll also learn how-to measure marketing's impact on your business. Gating of your high value marketing content will be explored, implemented using native features of Eloqua landing pages and forms. Contact management and segmentation will also be covered in depth.


This book is a practical guide following a step by step approach to create, edit, customize and upload your marketing campaign using Eloqua.

Who this book is for

If you are a marketing professional or business analyst who wants to use Eloqua to manage demand generation, lead scoring, e-mail marketing, and build digital marketing campaigns, this book is ideal for you. No previous knowledge of Eloqua is required.


Packt Publishing




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