Lenny Lemmon and the Trail of Crumbs

Ben Davis


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Beschreibung zu „Lenny Lemmon and the Trail of Crumbs“

The second in a hilarious school-based comedy series for 7+ with black and white illustrations throughout. A modern day Just William, perfect for fans of Wimpy Kid and Pamela Butchart!

When the school inspector turns up one day, Lenny and his friends are surprised to find themselves sent to the back field to count the footballs and tidy up the bibs. The school dog, Crumbs, has been sent there too. He's quite a lively dog and prone to over-enthusiasm. Suddenly they realise it's all a ruse to keep them away from the school inspector! Furious, and not a little hurt, our heroes rush into school, demanding answers and an apology. The subsequent encounter (chase) with the school inspector nearly closes the school. But, of course, Lenny and friends, with the help of the enthusiastic Crumbs, save the day and show the inspector that the fun at Fleurwood Academy is always Outstanding!


Nosy Crow Ltd




ca. 33





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