
A Novel

Ben Bova

Science Fiction

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Beschreibung zu „Jupiter“

Grant Archer only wanted to study astrophysics. But the forces of the "New Morality," the coalition of censorious do-gooders who run 21st-century America, have other plans for him.

To his distress, Grant is torn from his young bride and sent to a research station in orbit around Jupiter, to spy on the scientists who work there. Their work may lead to the discovery of higher life forms in the Jovian system-with implications the New Morality doesn't like at all.

What Grant's would-be controllers don't know is that his loyalty to science may be greater than his desire for a quiet life. But that loyalty will be tested in a mission as dangerous as any ever undertaken-a mission to the middle reaches of Jupiter's endless atmosphere, a place where hydrogen flows as a liquid, and cyclones larger than planets rage for centuries at a time.

What lurks there is more than anyone has counted on...and stranger than anyone could possibly have imagined.

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Über Ben Bova

Ben Bova, 1932 in Philadelphia geboren, ist einer der bekanntesten Science-Fiction-Autoren unserer Zeit. Nach dem Tod von John W. Campbell jr. wurde er 1972 Herausgeber des bekannten SF-Magazins Analog Science Fact & Fiction und gewann insgesamt sechs Hugo Awards als Bester Herausgeber. Daneben legte Bova auch zahlreiche Romane vor, insbesondere mit der sogenannten Sonnensystem-Reihe, zu der unter anderem „Mars“, „Venus“, „Jupiter“, „Saturn“ sowie „Asteroidenkrieg“, „Asteroidenfeuer“ und „Asteroidensturm“ gehören, ist er außerordentlich erfolgreich. Bova lebt mit seiner Familie in Florida.


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