Bartholomew Sastrow: Being the Memoirs of a German Burgomaster

Bartholomäus Sastrow

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Beschreibung zu „Bartholomew Sastrow: Being the Memoirs of a German Burgomaster“

Bartholomew Sastrow: Being the Memoirs of a German Burgomaster is a captivating autobiographical account written by Bartholomäus Sastrow, detailing his life as a prominent figure in 16th-century Germany. The book provides a unique insight into the political, social, and cultural landscape of the time, showcasing Sastrow's experiences as a merchant, diplomat, and ultimately a burgomaster. Sastrow's writing style is engaging, with detailed descriptions and vivid storytelling that immerses the reader in the events of his life. The book also offers valuable historical context, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities faced by individuals of Sastrow's status during this period. Overall, the memoir serves as a valuable primary source for understanding the complexities of 16th-century Germany and the role of individuals like Sastrow in shaping its history. Readers interested in European history, politics, and biographical works will find this book both informative and compelling.


Good Press




ca. 295





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