Unravelled Knots

Baroness Orczy

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Beschreibung zu „Unravelled Knots“

Baroness Orczy's 'Unravelled Knots' is a gripping historical novel set against the backdrop of the French Revolution. Written in Orczy's characteristic romantic and adventurous style, the novel follows the intertwined lives of aristocrats and revolutionaries as they navigate the treacherous political landscape of late 18th century France. Through vivid descriptions and compelling dialogue, Orczy paints a vivid picture of the turmoil and chaos of the era, making the reader feel as though they are right in the midst of the action. Baroness Orczy, a Hungarian-born British author, was well-known for her historical fiction and swashbuckling tales. Her own aristocratic background and keen interest in history were the perfect foundation for her to craft works such as 'Unravelled Knots'. Drawing on her knowledge of the period, Orczy brings authenticity and depth to her characters and settings, creating a truly immersive reading experience. I highly recommend 'Unravelled Knots' to any reader who enjoys historical fiction that is rich in detail and full of suspense. Orczy's masterful storytelling and intricate plot twists will keep you hooked until the very last page.


Good Press




ca. 307





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