Defense of the Faith and the Saints

Complete Edition (Vol. 1&2)

B. H. Roberts

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Beschreibung zu „Defense of the Faith and the Saints“

"Defense of the Faith and the Saints" in 2 volumes is a collection of miscellaneous writings by one of the main authorities in Mormon history and theology Brigham Henry Roberts. In this work, the author devoted his energy to doctrinal and historical themes, and one circumstance after another arose which called him to the defense of the Mormon faith and the Mormon people. The second volume features the analysis of the origin and validity of the Book of Mormon, a foundational work of Mormonism.
Volume 1:
Position and Defense:
The Relationship of the Church to the Christian Sects: the Doctrine of Two Churches Only
Some Recent Literature on Mormonism
A Brief Defense of the Mormon People
Which of the Sects Has Persecuted Mormonism Most?
Relation of Church and State, Religious Liberty in America
Conditions in Utah – 1905
Book of Mormon Controversial Questions:
The Manner of Translating the Book of Mormon
A Brief Debate on the Book of Mormon
"The Fifth Gospel"
Mormon Views of America
Historical and Doctrinal Papers:
The Lord's Day
Anglican Orders – Decision of Leo XIII Considered – The Protestant Dilemma
Reformation or Revolution?
Revelation and Inspiration
Volume 2:
Origin of the Book of Mormon:
Schroeder-Roberts' Debate
The Origin of the Book of Mormon by Theodore Schroeder
The Origin of the Book of Mormon by Brigham H. Roberts
Recent Discussion of Mormon Affairs:
An Address
Review of Address to the World
Answer to Ministerial Association's Review
Joseph Smith's Doctrines Vindicated:
The First Message of Mormonism Vindicated
Other Doctrines of Joseph Smith Vindicated by the Colleges
Miscellaneous Discourses:
The Spirit of Mormonism; a Slander Refuted
Erroneous Impressions about the Latter-day Saints – Some Things They Do Not Believe
The Things of God Greater Than Man's Conception of Them
Mormonism as a Body of Doctrine
The Mysterious Harmonies of the Great Republic






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