The Coming of the Friars

Augustus Jessopp

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Beschreibung zu „The Coming of the Friars“

Augustus Jessopp's 'The Coming of the Friars' provides a thorough examination of the arrival and impact of the Friars in medieval England. Written in a vivid and engaging narrative style, Jessopp delves into the religious, social, and political implications of the Friars' presence, offering valuable insights into the transformation of English society during this period. His attention to detail and meticulous research make this book a must-read for anyone interested in the history of the medieval church. Jessopp's work is a significant contribution to the study of religious history, shedding light on a pivotal moment in the development of medieval England. Augustus Jessopp's background as a historian and theologian undoubtedly influenced his decision to tackle this topic, bringing an unmatched level of expertise and passion to his writing. 'The Coming of the Friars' is recommended for scholars and enthusiasts alike who wish to deepen their understanding of the medieval church and its impact on English society.


Good Press




ca. 232





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