The Independence Day Horror at Killsbury

Asenath Carver Coolidge

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Beschreibung zu „The Independence Day Horror at Killsbury“

In 'The Independence Day Horror at Killsbury' by Asenath Carver Coolidge, readers are transported to a small town in rural America where a mysterious and gruesome event unfolds on a holiday that should be filled with celebration. Coolidge's writing style is reminiscent of classic gothic literature, with a keen attention to detail and a talent for building suspense. The book explores themes of community, fear, and the unknown, making it a thrilling and thought-provoking read for fans of horror and mystery genres. Set in the early 20th century, the novel captures the essence of a bygone era while still resonating with contemporary readers. Asenath Carver Coolidge's intricate plotting and vivid descriptions create a haunting atmosphere that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. This chilling tale is a must-read for anyone looking to delve into a gripping and immersive story that will leave a lasting impact.


Good Press




ca. 154





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