La Grande Mademoiselle, 1627-1652

Arvède Barine

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Beschreibung zu „La Grande Mademoiselle, 1627-1652“

Arvède Barine's 'La Grande Mademoiselle, 1627-1652' is a captivating biographical account of Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans, known as Mademoiselle, during the years 1627 to 1652. Barine's literary style combines historical accuracy with a narrative flair that brings this fascinating period of French history to life. Set against the backdrop of the decadent court of Louis XIV, the book delves into the complex life of Mademoiselle, highlighting her struggles, triumphs, and contributions to the cultural landscape of the time. Barine's attention to detail and vivid descriptions paint a vivid picture of Mademoiselle's world, making it a must-read for anyone interested in French history and literature. Her exploration of gender, power, and identity sheds new light on the role of women in a patriarchal society, making the book both informative and thought-provoking. Arvède Barine's scholarly expertise and passion for French history shine through in this compelling biography, making 'La Grande Mademoiselle, 1627-1652' a valuable addition to any bookshelf.


Good Press




ca. 356





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