The Sleeping Beauty

Arthur Rackham

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Beschreibung zu „The Sleeping Beauty“

Arthur Rackham's 'The Sleeping Beauty' is a timeless classic that beautifully reimagines the beloved fairy tale through stunning illustrations and poetic prose. Rackham's intricate and ethereal artistic style perfectly complements the enchanting story, transporting readers to a magical world filled with whimsy and wonder. This edition of the fairy tale showcases Rackham's talent for combining intricate detail with dreamlike imagery, making it a must-have for any lover of fantasy and illustration. As a prominent figure in the Golden Age of Illustration, Rackham's work continues to captivate audiences of all ages with its unique blend of imagination and artistry. His interpretation of 'The Sleeping Beauty' remains a standout among his many acclaimed works, showcasing his ability to breathe new life into classic stories. Readers will be spellbound by Rackham's masterful storytelling and artistic vision, making 'The Sleeping Beauty' a captivating addition to any library.


Good Press




ca. 34





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