Aunt Sarah's Brooch

Arthur Morrison

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Beschreibung zu „Aunt Sarah's Brooch“

Arthur Morrison's 'Aunt Sarah's Brooch' is a captivating short story that delves into the complexities of family dynamics and the consequences of jealousy. Set in the late 19th century, the story is replete with vivid descriptions that immerse the reader in the Victorian era. Morrison's prose is characterized by its attention to detail and sharp insights into human nature, making this piece a valuable contribution to the literary canon of the time. Arthur Morrison, a well-known British writer and journalist, drew inspiration for 'Aunt Sarah's Brooch' from his keen observations of society and his own experiences. His background in journalism is evident in the meticulous research and realism present in his fiction. Morrison's ability to blend social commentary with compelling storytelling sets him apart as a prominent figure in Victorian literature. I highly recommend 'Aunt Sarah's Brooch' to readers who appreciate thought-provoking narratives that offer a glimpse into the intricacies of human relationships. Morrison's skillful storytelling and insightful characterization make this short story a must-read for enthusiasts of classic literature.


Good Press




ca. 21





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