House of Living Death

Arthur Leo Zagat

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Beschreibung zu „House of Living Death“

In 'House of Living Death' by Arthur Leo Zagat, readers are taken on a journey through a thrilling and suspenseful story set in a mysterious house where the dead come back to life. Zagat's vivid descriptions and atmospheric writing style immerse the reader into a world of horror and supernatural phenomena, reminiscent of classic gothic literature. The book's fast-paced plot and unexpected twists keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end. As a pulp fiction novel, 'House of Living Death' reflects the popular entertainment of its time, combining elements of horror, mystery, and the supernatural. Zagat's ability to create a sense of dread and unease makes this book a must-read for fans of vintage horror literature. Arthur Leo Zagat, known for his prolific contributions to pulp magazines, likely drew inspiration from the cultural fascination with the macabre in the early 20th century when writing this chilling tale. Overall, 'House of Living Death' is a captivating and eerie read that will leave readers wanting more.


Good Press




ca. 74





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