Russian Prisons

St. Peter and St. Paul; the Schlüsselburg; the Ostrog at Omsk; the story of Siberian exile; Tiumen, Tomsk, Saghalien

Arthur Griffiths

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Beschreibung zu „Russian Prisons“

In 'Russian Prisons' by Arthur Griffiths, readers are taken on a captivating journey through the inner workings of the Russian penal system in the late 19th century. Griffiths' detailed and vivid descriptions provide a chilling insight into the harsh conditions and brutal treatment endured by prisoners. The book is written in a captivating narrative style that brings to life the experiences of inmates and the challenges they faced within the prison walls. This work sheds light on the sociopolitical climate of the era and the impact it had on the lives of those who found themselves behind bars. Griffiths' exploration of the complexities of the Russian prison system adds depth to understanding the historical significance of such institutions. Arthur Griffiths, a respected historian and writer, was inspired to pen 'Russian Prisons' after extensive research into the topic. His expertise in criminal justice and his interest in historical narratives shine through in this gripping account of a dark chapter in Russian history. Griffiths' dedication to uncovering the truth behind the prison system reflects his commitment to shedding light on forgotten aspects of the past. For readers interested in historical accounts and social commentary, 'Russian Prisons' is a must-read. Griffiths' meticulous research and engaging writing style make this book both informative and thought-provoking, offering valuable insights into a lesser-known aspect of Russian history.


Good Press




ca. 197





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