Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde

Archibald Forbes

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Beschreibung zu „Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde“

In 'Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde' by Archibald Forbes, the reader is taken on a detailed journey through the life and military career of one of the most distinguished British Army officers of the 19th century. Forbes presents a thorough account of Lord Clyde's campaigns in India, Crimea, and Persia, highlighting his strategic brilliance and leadership qualities. The book is written in a clear and engaging style, making it accessible to both military history enthusiasts and general readers interested in biographies. Forbes pays homage to Lord Clyde's legacy by providing a well-researched and comprehensive narrative of his life and achievements, offering insights into his character and decisions on the battlefield. As a piece of military biography, this book stands out for its attention to detail and insightful analysis of Lord Clyde's impact on British military history. Readers will find 'Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde' a compelling and informative read, shedding light on the life of a remarkable military leader.


Good Press




ca. 180





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