The Bishop and Other Stories

Anton Chekhov

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Beschreibung zu „The Bishop and Other Stories“

Anton Chekhov's 'The Bishop and Other Stories' is a collection of short stories that delve into the complexities of human nature and societal issues in 19th-century Russia. Known for his skillful portrayal of characters and ability to capture the nuances of everyday life, Chekhov's stories offer a realistic and often poignant examination of the human condition. Through his subtle yet powerful prose, Chekhov addresses themes of love, jealousy, social class, and the search for meaning in a changing world. His use of irony and understatement adds layers of depth to each story, inviting readers to contemplate the deeper meanings hidden within seemingly simple narratives. Chekhov's writing style reflects the literary trends of his time, focusing on psychological realism and character development rather than elaborate plots or dramatic events.


Good Press




ca. 231





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