The Book of Husbandry

Walter W. Skeat Anthony Fitzherbert

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Beschreibung zu „The Book of Husbandry“

Anthony Fitzherbert's 'The Book of Husbandry' is a seminal work in the field of agriculture and land management, originally published in 1534. The book offers practical advice on various aspects of farming, covering topics such as crop rotation, livestock care, and estate maintenance. Fitzherbert's writing style is straightforward and informative, making the complex subjects accessible to readers of all levels of expertise. His focus on sustainability and efficiency in farming practices reflects the agricultural challenges of his time, providing valuable insights into historical agriculture practices in England. 'The Book of Husbandry' stands as a testament to Fitzherbert's deep understanding of the land and his dedication to improving agricultural practices for the benefit of all. As a prominent landowner and legal expert, Fitzherbert's expertise and experience shine through in this comprehensive agricultural manual. I highly recommend 'The Book of Husbandry' to anyone interested in the history of agriculture, as well as modern-day farmers looking to learn from the wisdom of the past.


Good Press




ca. 247





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