The World English Bible (WEB): Malachi

Annotated Translation of the Prophetic Book of Malachi


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Beschreibung zu „The World English Bible (WEB): Malachi“

Anonymous, in his work 'The World English Bible (WEB): Malachi', presents a modern translation of the book of Malachi from the Old Testament. The text is characterized by its clear and accessible language, making it a valuable resource for scholars, students, and lay readers alike. Anonymous's translation stays true to the original text while also providing helpful annotations and footnotes to aid in understanding the historical and cultural context of Malachi. This edition of the Bible is widely praised for its accuracy and readability, making it a popular choice for personal study and group discussions. The poetic and prophetic style of Malachi is preserved in Anonymous's translation, capturing the emotional power and spiritual depth of the text. This edition of Malachi is an essential addition to any library, providing readers with a fresh perspective on this ancient biblical book.


Good Press




ca. 5





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