The World English Bible (WEB): Habakkuk


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Beschreibung zu „The World English Bible (WEB): Habakkuk“

The World English Bible (WEB): Habakkuk is a classic biblical text translated into clear and contemporary English by the mysterious author known only as Anonymous. The book provides readers with a scholarly and detailed look at the Book of Habakkuk, offering insights into the prophet's dialogue with God and the themes of divine justice and faith. The literary style of the translation is straightforward and accessible, making it easy for readers of all backgrounds to engage with the text and its spiritual teachings. This edition of the book is a valuable resource for students of theology, biblical studies, and literature, as it presents the ancient text in a fresh and modern light. Anonymous's translation of Habakkuk is faithful to the original text while also making it more readable and relevant to contemporary readers. This book is recommended for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the biblical text and its enduring significance in today's world.


Good Press




ca. 4





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