Everybody's Book of Luck


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Beschreibung zu „Everybody's Book of Luck“

Everybody's Book of Luck by the enigmatic author Anonymous is a collection of ancient wisdom and folklore surrounding luck and superstitions. Written in a poetic and mystical style, this book delves into the various beliefs and practices from different cultures around the world, exploring the universal human desire for good fortune. The narratives in the book are rich in symbolism and allegory, inviting readers to ponder the interconnectedness of luck and destiny. With its insights into the mysterious workings of fate, Everybody's Book of Luck transcends mere superstition to offer a deeper reflection on the role of chance in our lives. Anonymous' anonymity adds an air of intrigue and authenticity to the text, allowing readers to focus on the wisdom being shared rather than the identity of the author. The book is recommended for those interested in exploring the cultural significance of luck and superstitions, as well as for anyone seeking to find meaning in the randomness of life.


Good Press




ca. 196





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