The Last Voyage: To India and Australia, in the 'Sunbeam'

Annie Brassey

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Beschreibung zu „The Last Voyage: To India and Australia, in the 'Sunbeam'“

Annie Brassey's 'The Last Voyage: To India and Australia, in the 'Sunbeam'' is a captivating travel memoir that highlights her journey to India and Australia aboard her yacht, the 'Sunbeam'. Written in a vivid and descriptive style, Brassey paints a vivid picture of the landscapes, cultures, and people she encounters along the way. The book provides a unique perspective on 19th-century travel and serves as a valuable historical document of the era. Brassey's attention to detail and keen observations make this work a delightful read for those interested in travel literature and maritime adventures. Her engaging narrative style ensures that readers will be transported to distant lands and experience the excitement of exploration alongside her. Overall, 'The Last Voyage' is a well-crafted and illuminating account of a remarkable journey that will appeal to both history buffs and travel enthusiasts alike.


Good Press




ca. 414





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