The Collector

Anne Mette Hancock

Hörbuch Romane Krimis

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Beschreibung zu „The Collector“

A boy has disappeared from his school. Heloise Kaldan heads over there to look into it. At the schoolyard she runs into her close friend Erik Schäfer, the outspoken investigator on this case. The boy, Lukas, doesn't show up, but his phone does. It reveals that Lukas is obsessed with pareidolia: the psychological phenomenon that makes us see faces in random things. One particular photo of a barn door that looks like a face catches their attention. Is this where Lukas is? Heloise is ordered to drop her current article, a controversial investigation into soldiers with PTSD, to cover the story of the missing boy. But when things that point to the traumatised soldiers appear in Lukas' case, Schäfer will need Heloise's help making heads or tails of this enormous jumble of clues. . .

Gelesen von:

Karen Cass


Isis Audio




9 Std. 9 Min.





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