The Old Chelsea Bun-House: A Tale of the Last Century

Anne Manning

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Beschreibung zu „The Old Chelsea Bun-House: A Tale of the Last Century“

Anne Manning's 'The Old Chelsea Bun-House: A Tale of the Last Century' is a historical novel that immerses readers in the world of 18th century London, specifically focusing on the renowned Chelsea Bun-House. Manning's writing style is elegant and reminiscent of the romantic period, full of vivid descriptions that bring the setting to life. The novel provides a glimpse into the social dynamics, economic disparities, and cultural traditions of the time, making it a valuable piece of historical fiction for those interested in this period. The plot revolves around the lives of the diverse characters who frequent the Chelsea Bun-House, weaving together their stories in a captivating narrative. Anne Manning's attention to detail and ability to capture the essence of the era make this book a must-read for fans of historical fiction. Manning's background as a writer and historian shines through in her meticulous research and authentic portrayal of 18th century London, ensuring an immersive reading experience that will transport readers back in time.


Good Press




ca. 155





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