The Doctor, his Wife, and the Clock

Anna Katharine Green

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Beschreibung zu „The Doctor, his Wife, and the Clock“

In 'The Doctor, his Wife, and the Clock' by Anna Katharine Green, the reader is enveloped in a gripping mystery set in the late 19th century. The book is characterized by its intricate plot, rich character development, and a captivating narrative style that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. Green masterfully weaves together elements of suspense, romance, and social commentary, making this novel a timeless classic in the detective fiction genre. The author's attention to detail and meticulous storytelling dexterity create a compelling read that will undoubtedly enthrall fans of mystery and thriller genres. Set in a Victorian context, the novel offers insights into societal norms and gender roles of the era, adding depth to the overall narrative. Anna Katharine Green's ability to craft a clever and suspenseful plot reflects her skill as a pioneering figure in American detective fiction. As one of her most celebrated works, 'The Doctor, his Wife, and the Clock' is a must-read for anyone who appreciates a well-crafted mystery novel that will keep them guessing until the very end.


Good Press




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