Dreams and Dream Stories

Anna Bonus Kingsford

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Beschreibung zu „Dreams and Dream Stories“

Anna Bonus Kingsford's 'Dreams and Dream Stories' is a captivating collection of dream narratives that delve into the mystical and spiritual realms of consciousness. Written in a lyrical and poetic style, the book explores the enigmatic nature of dreams and their significance in understanding the human psyche. Kingsford blends elements of fantasy and surrealism to create dreamscapes that evoke deep introspection and contemplation. Set against the backdrop of the Victorian era, the book reflects the author's interest in theosophy and the occult, showcasing her unique perspective on the interconnectedness of dreams and reality. Kingsford's intricate storytelling and vivid imagery make 'Dreams and Dream Stories' a compelling read for those interested in exploring the hidden depths of the unconscious mind. Anna Bonus Kingsford, a prominent figure in the 19th-century spiritualist movement, was a pioneering feminist and advocate for animal rights. Her experiences as a visionary and mystic greatly influenced her writings, infusing them with a sense of transcendental wisdom and insight. Kingsford's profound understanding of dreams as portals to the soul is evident throughout 'Dreams and Dream Stories,' making it a valuable literary work for readers seeking a deeper understanding of the metaphysical aspects of human consciousness. I highly recommend this book to anyone fascinated by the intersection of spirituality, psychology, and literature, as it offers a unique perspective on the power of dreams to unlock the mysteries of the mind.


Good Press




ca. 236





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